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Excess Body Protein, This Is the Result

Protein does play an important role in every cell of our body. But the excess protein is actually not good consequences. Check out the effects of excessive protein intake on our bodies. Our body needs protein in sufficient quantities. These nutrients are needed to build and repair damaged body tissue; making enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals; and builds bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

Daily Protein Intake

Therefore, we are advised to consume protein every day. The recommended amount varies, depending on our age and gender. The following is the intake of protein needed by the body per day:
  • 1-3 years = around 14.5 grams
  • 4-6 years = 19.7 grams
  • 7-10 years = 28.3 grams
  • Boys 11-14 years = 42.1 grams
  • Daughter = 41.2 grams
  • Teenage boys 15-18 years = 55.2 grams
  • Teenage girls 15-18 years = 45 grams
  • Men 19-50 years = 55.5 grams
  • Women 19-50 years = 45 grams
  • Men 51 years and over = 53.3 grams
  • Women 51 years and over = 46.5 grams
  • Pregnant women = 51 grams
  • Nursing mothers = 53-56 grams
Protein intake needed per day can be higher depending on physical activity and health conditions. Heavy workers, athletes, people who are recovering from injuries, and the elderly need higher protein. If protein intake is lacking, our hair can fall out, it is more difficult to recover when sick, susceptible to infection, to kwarshiorkor.

Impact of excess protein on the body

But excess protein is also not good for our body. Here are some of the effects of excess protein in the body:
  • Consuming excess protein, especially if accompanied by carbohydrate restrictions, can cause ketone buildup to harm the kidneys.
  • The body can produce a waste product called ammonia when it breaks down proteins. By the liver, ammonia is converted into a chemical called urea. In fact, urea will be removed from the body through urine. But in certain health conditions, such as kidney failure or liver failure, the body cannot make or get rid of urea. This can cause problems such as extreme fatigue to coma, or even death.
  • Too much protein consumption from red meat and processed dairy products can increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Excess protein is also thought to make the body get rid of calcium through urine. When our body is excess protein, the body produces sulfate. These chemicals can cause calcium to be released from bones. Though lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis. This calcium release effect from bones is more susceptible to occur if we consume animal protein than vegetable protein. But on the other hand, adequate protein intake actually helps prevent osteoporosis in the bones.
Actually not only the amount of protein that needs attention, but the source of protein consumed. The experts recommend choosing protein intake from several sources, both animal protein sources such as fish, as well as vegetable protein sources such as nuts and seeds. Although excess protein is often associated with several diseases, so far more research is still needed to examine the effects of excess protein in general on health. As good as any of the nutrients we consume, if it is excessive it might even be a disease that comes over. Come on, keep the intake of nutrients that enter our body balanced from now on.


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